Lightcones for CANDELS fields from the UniverseMachine DR1, run on the VSMDPL simulation. lightcones0: best-fit model from the UniverseMachine DR1. lightcones1-9: randomly drawn models from the posterior distribution of the UniverseMachine DR1. Lightcone filenames include the field name (e.g., EGS, COSMOS, etc.), the field size in arcmin (e.g., x35.00_y36.00 indicates a 35x36 arcmin field of view), and the realization number. Lightcones are in ASCII format, with one galaxy per line. Columns include sky position, redshift, galaxy properties, and halo properties; column descriptions and units are contained in each lightcone file. Lightcones contain all galaxies down to M_1500 = -13 and all galaxies with host halos of mass 10^10 Msun/h or greater.