UniverseMachine Data Release 1 (7/26/2019)

Scientific Paper
Science Changelog; Code Changelog

Full Statistics and Constraints (213 MB)
Includes observational constraints (SMFs, UVLFs, SSFRs, CSFRs, UVSM relations, correlation functions, and central environment-dependent quenched fractions) as well as derived constraints (e.g., SMHM relation, SFR(Mh,z), star formation histories, quenched fractions, correlation function/weak lensing predictions, etc.). Those wishing for only observational data can download a smaller dataset here (60K).

The UniverseMachine code is publicly available here, including a README for use of the constraints above and catalogs below. This is constantly updated; the code used to generate Data Release 1 is frozen here.

Catalogs (ASCII and binary) and star formation histories generated for Bolshoi-Planck are also available. Lightcones for all CANDELS fields at z<10 are available here. Finally, a movie is available here.

Gas masses from the NeutralUniverseMachine paper by Hong Guo are available for Bolshoi-Planck here.

Comparison with past results from Behroozi, Wechsler, Conroy (2013) is available here. An interactive map of joint parameter distributions is available here.

Base files for Bolshoi-Planck are available here.